The stuff we do to make your brand metaverse ready

So, you believe that your brand is ready to make it big in the metaverse? Then let us explore the creative side of things. Even though the world has only started to unfold the endless possibilities, there is already a lot of stuff you can do to start building a stronger brand experience and engagement.

At the Wizitory headquarters in Gothenburg, our team of prize-winning Brand Designers, Art Directors, Strategists, Creatives, and 3D experts will help you innovate your unique virtual experiences. Here are some of the things we can do to make your brand metaverse ready.

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Virtual event.

Turn your event idea into a unique virtual experience with high-quality lead generation. The Wizitory platform lets you interact with your target audience through virtual trade fairs, festivals, kick-offs, live events, and competitions.

Employer branding.

Employer branding works best when it is both authentic and compelling. Stand out to attract and retain talented people. Why not create fun and exciting online workshops and events where your employees can join in.

Employer branding
Employer branding

Employer branding.

Employer branding works best when it is both authentic and compelling. Stand out to attract and retain talented people. Why not create fun and exciting online workshops and events where your employees can join in.

3D virtual showroom.

Elevate your products by creating interactive 360-degree experiences for buyers and investors. Our design team will help you build customized 3D environments where your visitors can discover your products up close.

Virtual store experience.

Why should four walls confine a physical store? Wizitory helps you build stunning 360-degree in-store experiences that enable customers to experience your products up close from the comfort of their own homes.

Virtual store experience.

Why should four walls confound a physical store? Wizitory helps you build stunning 360-degree in-store experiences that enable customers to experience your products up close from the comfort of their own homes.


Upgrade your webinar ideas. Broadcast your webinar live or on-demand and get real ROI. Create 3D environments where visitors can move freely between virtual rooms, listen, watch and contribute to the content.

Product showcase.

Let your customers discover and interact with your products up-close through a virtual product showcase online. Watch video presentations, read more, and interact with high-quality 3D renderings of your products.

Product showcase.

Let your customers discover and interact with your products up-close through a virtual product showcase online. Watch video presentations, read more, and interact with high-quality 3D renderings of your products.

Web design and development.

Invite customers into your brand universe through your website. We can help bring visions to life by implementing a metaverse perspective into the existing design.

Virtual conference.

Live streaming, 360-presentations, networking, showcase, interaction. Wizitory enables you to reach beyond conventional video conferencing. Create stunning presentations, and invite your audience to partake in content creation.

Immersive storytelling.

Through technological advancements, like virtual reality (VR) and 360-videos, storytelling can become more compelling and impactful. With the ability to build brand awareness while entertaining your audience.

VR event.

Many consider virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) as gateways to the metaverse. By implementing VR into your virtual events, you can start creating an even more immersive brand experience.

Virtual trade show.

The World is a big place – if your visitors cannot come to your trade show, let your trade show come to your visitors. Create virtual trade shows, fully customizable and accessible from any computer or mobile device.

Hybrid event.

A hybrid event combines a physical event with the opportunity for visitors, unable to travel to the location, to join online. Create a virtual 3D replica of the event online – a brilliant way to reach a broader audience while boosting lead generation.

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Key features

50+ features & plugins, and counting…

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